

Tu pieza se parece a mi corazón, quizá al tuyo también. 
Es así,  cada que la vida nos ha tratado mal, se desprende un pedazo de mi corazón, de mi, o de ti. Así como se rompe un vidrio o una cerámica. Y en nuestra lucha nuestra supervivencia siempre juntamos nuestras partes y tratamos de rearmarnos, de completarnos, muchas veces disimulando las heridas. Conforme ha pasado el tiempo, hemos creado una capa protectora "anti-rupturas". Nos la hemos añadido y de alguna manera llevamos la cara en alto. 
El problema es que ahora al igual que los vidrios de los coches, cuando se rompen, se rompen en mil pedacitos. 
Y al vernos allí en el suelo tan fragmentados se nos acaba la vida.

.:the path:.

Every time I run , I write
every time I write, I'm wrong
every time I'm wrong, I recover.


We go through good times and bad times,
just like the tide, a never ending flow of back and forth.
It is in the bad times though, when we are able to show character.
On the top of the wave we all smile,
on the bottom just a few survive.

Will i change, will i remain the same?

"I was slow to change, but i changed.
I changed and changed, and with no more time left, i will change again."


.:quiero sabre:.

When I woke up she was not there,
and I realized that it was all a dream.
She did not exist, and i was not him.



There are cuts and uncuts,
there are cuts that never hurt
and healthy flesh that will rotten.
Will it be deep, or will I grow tall?
Taller than Her?
Today I see in red and smell of cunt,
my heart flew out
beyond good and evil.


.:far time:.

We will grow independently together
between eyes and missteps.
In the cold in the warm,
when you hold my hand
we all turn yellow.
It is as far as it will take
with a never ending repeat
of what we are today.