

I don't know if my wife left me because of my drinking
or I started drinking 'cause my wife left me.



last night i said to her
i didn't want to live inside a lie
if she wants him more than she wants me
let this be.

she'll come back to me.....

.:she'll come back to me:.

and once again
this disgust
in my insides,
in my guts
a blend of desperation and love
of tragedy and hope
of me without you
its been 45 days
since you took your love away
nowhere to be found
not in my bed
not in that 1994 Joseph Phepls
plenty of sadness though
but maybe
maybe tonight ill get to see you
at least in my dreams
if there's some of that left for me
or, maybe not


Por nuestros presos,
por nuestros muertos
por nuestros desaparecidos,
ni un paso atras


.:cafe bari:.

- hey, so what can i get for you

hmm.. ,hmm... can i get... can i get a kiss

- haha, a kiss?, sorry we dont sell those.

ah..well, so then.. can i get a kiss??

- ahh.. nop

ok, so just a regular small and a kiss.

despues de pagar le tuve que robar un beso,
pense que mi iba a cachetear frente a todo el mundo..

me sonrio


.:missing you:.

but i know you are fine
cause since you are gone
i have sent the moon every night to check on you
when we meet, she tells me all you've done, how beautiful you look from up there,
that you dream with me,
that sometimes when you look up you smile.
im there with the moon
you are here with my heart
we are together in our soul


.:maxim no2:.

impossible is not a fact
is an opinion.


Now we're knockin on your mama's door
Like; "we came to fix the sink", my kind of war


.:para ti:.

si esta va para ti

Woman learns how to hate
to the extent that she unlearns
how-to charm.



I'm no literate, scholar or anything like that,
however i think, i understand pretty well the definition of "wonder"
which is :
"One that arouses awe, astonishment, surprise, or admiration; a marvel:
An event inexplicable by the laws of nature; a miracle"

Neither the Christ in Rio, the Statue of Liberty nor the Kremlin (among others) makes me wonder, but thats just me. i don't deny their architectural magnificence , very impressive indeed, but no wonders...
just my .2c


.:where are u:.

its amazing how depression feeds our fears,
twits our minds in very dangerous ways,
makes us weak to the point of loosing control.
they say one should keep active in order not to think.
but is so difficult.

Lord help my poor soul...


.:yorba my way:.

i had fifteen people telling me "don't move!!!"
i got moving on my mind


.:maxims no1:.

one should not go into church
if one wants to breath pure air


el sentido comun,
es el menos comun de todos los sentidos


.:be transparent:.

How poisonous,
how cunning,
how bad every protracted war makes one
when it cannot be waged with open force


.:amarte no duele:.

en el amor, me encontre a mi mismo,
la mayoria ama para perderse.


they make
the highs
higher and
the lows
more frequent


.:so shut the fuck up:.

Complaining is never of any use: it comes from weakness.

.:where u at:.

With so much personality,
what do you want from me?
I could be by myself and enjoy the company



si les gustan los vinos y quieren aprender un poco mas
les pido visiten este nuevo blog delixires
para el cual estoy colaborando,
antes tenia el vino del mes aqui en mi blog pero ahora trato de escribir regularmente en delixires
asi que ya sabes delixires
para aprender de vino delixires
si necesitas comprar un vino para impresionar a la chamaca y no sabes cual delixires
si quieres ponerte una pedota delixires


.:never let go:.

iv'e been living a dream..
... but now that dream has gone
away from me


.:never stop:.

well, so its been a while
i haven't had the time to stop, think and regenerate
create my master plan...

i did become my dream,
but i settled into it, i stopped pushing
i've been really busy living my own quotidianity.
after all, history repeats itself,
cause we tend to forget.

however here i am,
dreaming, thinking, hoping,
i have a dream!!
and once again
i want to become my dream.



mi falla hasta este momento en mi vida
es pensar que todo el mundo piensa como yo

no!! no emir!!
no todo mundo piensa como tu...

.:pero querias un restaurante:.

simpre quise abrir un negocio,
pues, para dejar de trabajar...
desde que lo abri
trabajo el doble....


.:el mundo se acaba:.

algo me pasa, me siento raro
como que no quiero saber de nadie
solo quiero quedarme en mi casa y dormir
asi como tu..

- yo digo que algo pasa, no se , en el mundo....

je! si, ya sentimos que se va a acabar!!!

- No?!



- Si!!


.:so young:.

how is it that are we so young and caring ourselves towards distinction
20 years ago we didn't have Internet
30 years ago there was no computes nor home video
40 years ago TV was black and white
100 years ago there was no car
150 no light bulb
180 no steam engine
and before that it was so steady for centuries
now, now is to far for us to reach